Hi All i have just got an AXE033 and hooked to an 28X chip and am wanting to display the time via i2c on the LCD.
using the following Code I Borrowed From Michael V (Thanks)..
The problem I have is that when I Make pin 0 = 1 and the time sets it never starts counting
the display only reads THE time is 11:59:00
I have tried a number of DS1307's with the same result..
Any help would be great..
using the following Code I Borrowed From Michael V (Thanks)..
'clock display in i2c mode
'Write to Serial LCD.
pause 500
i2cslave $C6, i2cslow,i2cbyte
main: writei2c 0, (254,128,255)
pause 10
writei2c 0, ("THE Time is", 255)
pause 500
if pin0 = 1 then settime
i2cslave %11010000, i2cslow, i2cbyte 'DS1307 Clock chip
readi2c 0,(b0,b1,b2)
pause 30
clock:i2cslave $C6, i2cslow,i2cbyte
writei2c 0, (254,192,255)
pause 30
b4=b0 & %00001111
b3=b0 & %11110000
b3=b3+$30 ' (or you could do b1=b1 + '0')
b4=b4+$30 '
b6=b1 & %00001111
b5=b1 & %11110000
b5=b5+$30 ' (or you could do b1=b1 + '0')
b6=b6+$30 '
b8=b2 & %00001111
b7=b2 & %11110000
b7=b7+$30' (or you could do b1=b1 + '0')
writei2c 0, (b7,b8,":",b5,b6,":",b3,b4,255 )
low 0 'flash LED on Pin 0
pause 50
high 0
debug b0
goto init
high 6
pause 50
i2cslave %11010000, i2cslow, i2cbyte
writei2c 0, ($00, $59, $11, $03, $25, $12, $03, $10)
pause 50
low 6
goto init
The problem I have is that when I Make pin 0 = 1 and the time sets it never starts counting
the display only reads THE time is 11:59:00
I have tried a number of DS1307's with the same result..
Any help would be great..
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