IR Remote Control Kit (HCKITS0006) - Remote Code


Hi. I have just bought a IR Remote Control Kit (HCKITS0006) - which I am trying to connect to a PICAXE18A IC. I want to use them with my GCSE Engineering groups.


The IR Receiver works fine when I use it with my original grey IR Remote Controller - they are connected using the code 'C 2 1 2'.

There are details online explaining how to connect the kit to an Arduino - but no mention of the 'remote code' - does anyone know what the remote code is for the IR controller shown in the image? There was no information sent with the kit.

Thank you.
Chris D
The remote is using the NEC protocol. You need a one4all type remote that can be programmed with the sony protocol instead.
The irin command needs a remote using the sony protocol (not the NEC protocol like this one, which won't work). So either use a 08M2 chip (transmitting with the irout command) or a one for all type remote in sony mode - this is a cheap fun one

At least two "bit banging" decoders for the NEC IR protocol have been written for the PICaxe. One by Inglewoodpete uses interrupts with an X2 device, but mine can work with M2s. Probably both in the Code Snippets section, but the forum search won't find 3 character groups such as NEC. :( Unfortunately I'm only using a phone at the moment, but you could try an external Google mentioning PICaxe and NEC IR protocol.

Cheers, Alan.
Picaxe is a dinosaur in many ways but IMO one of its best features is its firmware decoder and built-in commands using the Sony protocol. It just works. Bit-banging to read other protocols is possible but tedious and memory-consuming, a big step backwards.

There are plenty of cheap universal remotes that support the Sony protocol, I recommend using one of those instead. I like the TV-139F as mentioned here.
I'm using some Sony remote from a defunct (the nylon gears failed on not being able to replace them) CD player I had in the 90s. Even though it's an audio remote the PICAXE response works. Some of the codes the remote sends are off, but can be programmed around.

For NEC codes, I use a Attiny85 or 84 and library, but the memory gets used up real fast.

You are right, the PICAXE and Sony Codes work right out of the box (MCU). The next POST in your link above confirms what I've already achieved with my remote.
