Infra Red Target Game (Very Simple!)

Here is a really simple gun and target project. The range can be improved by using multiple IR transmitters, it is usable to about 30 feet.

The range can be extended by placing a lens (i.e. from a camera) over the transmitter, but this seemed to require a more accurate aim to hit the target, maybe because the IR field is narrower.

It has two parts, the Gun and the Target.

REM Infrared Gun and Target Game
REM Author: Michael Collier

REM This simple project transmits an infrared signal mounted
REM on a toy gun towards an infrared receiver circuit.


  REM Transmit value "2" 
  REM make sure to use device id of "1" 

  INFRAOUT 1 , 2

  GOTO forever
REM Infrared Target Game
REM Target Code
REM Author: Michael Collier

  REM Turn Off Target Hit Light
  LOW 0
  If B13 <> 2 then Forever
  REM Turn On Target Hit Light for 10 ms
  HIGH 0
  PAUSE 10

  GOTO Forever


David Marks

New Member
Very interested in the gun / target as grandchildren had a similar toy for Christmas which I now want to produce an improved version of. I was searching for suitable circuits to use with some maplin emitters / sensors and picked up this thred . Since I have a picaxe development board this seems ideal. If there is any chance of posting the circuits I would be most grateful.
David Marks