I2C to Ethernet


I was looking through a magazine, I believe Circuit Cellar, and ran accross this. It says it does I2C communications. Does anyone have any experience with this device (or similar)?


It looks like it's exactly what I have been looking for. Here are the specs:

SB70LC Board
10/100 Ethernet Port RJ-45
Two TTL Serial Interfaces
512K Flash Memory
141MHz 32-bit processor with integrated Ethernet
Power: 480mA @ +5VDC

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Senior Member
Never seen it before. Looks interesting though. Couldn't see any reference to I2C.
If you start using it, please tell us of your findings.


New Member
Ethernet to serial is something I'm actively working on at the moment as part of the great wireless mesh project. It is not a simple thing, mainly because it is expensive or complicated or both. That device above is $59. The absolute cheapest method may be a propeller chip ($7.99) and an enc28j60 ($4). But I don't understand propeller code. I've gone for an option using lantronix devices. The xport is probably the best known ($47), but on ebay I managed to pick up three MSS100 devices for $60 including shipping so that worked out at $20 each. They come up from time to time, and indeed there are lots of other lantronix parts there that all work in a similar way. Search for lantronix on ebay. Then there are devices called 'terminal servers' or similar. Also made by lantronix, they look like router boxes and even have the same connector at the front, except the connector is actually a serial port, not an ethernet port. So one ethernet cable goes in and you can have 16 serial ports coming out and the cost per port ends up being very cheap.

The MSS100 has taken a group of five people about two weeks to get working, but we now have it such that you can log in via telnet from anywhere in the world and send data to and from a cp/m board or, indeed, a picaxe chip. We are close to getting the 'dial out' working too.

What is needed is a device that costs under $10 and is a bit easier to program than the lantronix devices and can interface an ethernet cable to a serial link. Program in the IP address, baud rate, parity, stop bits, a welcome login text line, timeout parameter and a few other things. Then do a portforward on your router to open up that port.

The "poor man's" version is to use a PC as the ethernet to serial device and an old (freebie) PC can be pressed into service. But this uses a lot more power and takes up a lot more desk space.

Maybe someone has some ideas for getting a picaxe onto the internet for a good price. Stelios did it by hacking a router and that might be another option.
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Senior Member
The first picaxe to internet project that Stelios did was with SimpleLan--a $30 module. That got me started. The SimpleLan can provide access to the picaxe from any internet connection using UDP (that is, data can be sent to the picaxe), and also through a web page.

To me a much more flexible method is to connect the picaxe via serial/usb to a little Linux box. I use the NSLU2 running openWrt, but have just gotten a Sheevaplug and am investigating that. More than $10, tho.


Senior Member
I was starting a small project to demonstrate my new findings but since you mentioned the SimpleLan module I will go ahead and show you what I found :)

It''s small board, a bit bigger that the SimpleLan module, called Bifferboard. It's a small x86 CPU with 32MB RAM and can run OpenWRT linux distribution quite happily booting off a USB flash disk or usb hard disk. The price is about the price of the SImpleLan module, starting at 26UK pounds.

Using a USB Hub you can add a USB-2-RS232 cable to the board, a wifi usb dongle (supported by Linux) and maybe another disk ;-) The board draws 200mA at 5V.

More information can be found here: http://bifferos.bizhat.com/

lbenson, the new linksys NSLU will have the same CPU as the board above.

Now, if you need more Ethernet ports and a couple of USB ports you can go ahead and use this little board here: http://www.omnima.co.uk/store/catalog/Embedded-controller-p-16140.html

I'm currently testing both boards and I'm quite happy for both of them. I'm sure I'm going to be using the Bifferboard for my PicAce projects mainly because size matters :)


Senior Member
wiznet has some boards with their W5100 chips for around 20$.
They can use SPI, but then you have to make the webserver, dhcp, etc. yourself probaly a bit much for a picaxe.

They have some Ethernet to uart also, but thats no webserver, just the link.


Senior Member
I've got a WIZnet module but I never got around to use it on anything. You need to imeplement a lot to make it work. All it does is doing the dirty job up to the 4th OSI Layer. You do the rest.

The bifferboard on the otherhand does everything for you, since it's running OpenWRT/Linux. I'm planning a small software so the board can work as a SimpleLan replacement. I hope I have more news on this soon.


New Member
Thanks for pointing us in the direction of the "bifferboard", Stelios. It looks like a very powerful solution when used in combination with a PICAXE. I've ordered one to have a play with. Please keep us posted with your progress...

One question I haven't seen answered on the bifferboard sites/forum - where is the I2C connection? Through the JTAG port, or GPIO's?



Senior Member
Jim, there are 4 GPIO pins in the JTAG connector and 2 connected to the LED and Button. Check the Pinouts link on the bifferos.com site to see the pins and the numbering. The board should be ready to support you I2C apps.


New Member
Bifferboard to PICAXE comms

From the bifferboard forum it sounds like there are some problems with getting the i2c stuff working. How would this work anyway as wouldn't one of them have to act as a slave device?

The other options are using the serial port (by disabling the console connection & logging output), or SPI. Looks like I'll have to try the serial port route as I'm not sure where to start with SPI.

Am I right in thinking that using the new 3V version of the PICAXE would allow direct connection to the serial/GPIO lines of the bifferboard which are 3.3V?

Many thanks,


Ex-Staff (retired)
The "3V" PICAXE's are rated as 1V8 to 3V6 so can run off the same 3V3 supply used by other components and direct connection should be possible to those. 150R resistors in-line should protect the PICAXE outputs if shorted to 0V or 3V3.


New Member
I've just noticed that the 14M project board I have has a "3.3V" output using a 22K/10K resistor combo. Any reason why I couldn't use that as a serial output to the bifferboard serial port? Is it still wise to use the 150R resistors in-line?

I'm hoping the 3.3V serial output from the bifferboard will be enough to drive the TTL input of the 14M?



New Member
PICAXE talking to Bifferboard OK


The PICAXE 14M running at 5V is talking fine to the Bifferboard serial port at 3.3V using the "05" output on the 14M project board, and one of the TTL inputs.

I can recommend the Bifferboard as a cheap/simple way to get PICAXE projects onto the internet using T2400 serial comms :)

Much help was gleaned from this page for the Linux serial port part: http://www.sunspot.co.uk/Projects/Bifferboard/serial/serial_no_chatter.html
