i2c stop bits


Senior Member
Just a quick question:

Does the picaxe xhip create a stop bit after the data has been sent over i2c to an EEPROM such as the 24lc256?




Senior Member
Wouldnt this rule out the use of the page write function on EEPROMS?

from looking at the data sheet on the EEPROM in question it would seem that if you want to write upto 64 bytes in sucession to the page write buffer, then you <b>do not </b> send a stop bit between each of the bytes. the data sheet can be found here: <A href='http://ww1.microchip.com/downloads/en/devicedoc/21203M.pdf' Target=_Blank>External Web Link</a>.

Soo: Can the picaxe not use the page write due to sending out stop bits after every byte? or does the picaxe not send out stop bits, untill the last byte has been sent if at all?



Edited by - beny1949 on 19/06/2007 19:49:43


I think arthar was just speaking generally about sending a byte. He/she didn't know what your initial question was building up to.

The usual method (after the addressing dialogue) is to send the byte(s) followed by a Stop condition.
Send a byte plus Stop and sure enough you have to wait for the EEPROM to transfer from buffer to location.
Send 2 - 64 bytes (for that particular EEPROM) and then a Stop and it transfers the data in Page mode.
A little care is required with address values when using page mode as it is very easy to mess up especially when the number of bytes is odd or not a nice round fraction of the page buffer size.

But I guess you'll have already noticed that potential problem from reading the Data Sheet.


Senior Member
thanks Dippy!

I should have made my question more clear from the start so my appologies.

