Home Monitoring Redux


Senior Member
For those who viewed an earlier post where I discussed my home monitoring system, I included a PICAXE20m to do some I/O. I then upgraded to an 18X and was able to send data to the dedicated PC I used to control the system and collect various bits of data.

Some suggested that maybe getting away from the old Turbo Basic would make life easier.. A more important issue I have had is what would I do to deal with a power failure if we are away. A PC based system is at the mercy of the PC and it's state. A power glitch puts one out of business until the box and be rebooted...etc.

I have been working to re-do the whole system and build it around a 40X1. Do away with the PC except to collect data. I have finished this effort and wanted to share it with the group. The attached schematic shows the variety of I/O I am using. So far, it is working beautifully. My one concern is the possible effects of induced electrical noise into the long wire runs I am using. I have both input and output pins going over 120 ft from the board. In the schematic I show the functions and their distance if not directly connected to the board.

Thougths/experience with long wiring connections with the PIXACE I/O?

