Help with Infrared channels


SYMBOL Txinfo = b12 ; variable to hold the value to be sent by IR comms
SYMBOL countr = b10 ; variable to count how many time we transmit each piece of data
SYMBOL device = 1 ; 1 = Sony TV - see PICAXE manuals
SYMBOL IRoutpin = 0 ; define the pin for IR data
FOR Txinfo = 0 to 8 ; we will send all permissible values from 0 to 127
FOR countr = 1 TO 3 ; loop 3 time in case receiver misses first pass
IRout IRoutpin, device , Txinfo'define the pin for IR data (0 TO 7)
PAUSE 45 ; wait for ‘standard’ delay interval before resending
NEXT countr
NEXT Txinfo
PAUSE 2000 
LOOP ; loop forever to keep sending the values 0 to 127 repeatedly
Subject Infrared Communications PICAXE 20X2
Hello all first let me say thanks to westaust 55 for his Infrared Tutorial, it has got me along way down the road. But now I am flummoxed. Help would be appreciated as I am still painting by numbers.
I have a Meccano model Crane controlled by infrared. I control it with a sony TV remote. The Crane is fitted with four motors, forwards and reverses, and uses eight buttons on the sony TV remote.
The Crane controlled with a sony TV remote works perfectly, no problems.
I would like replace the sony TV remote with my own Picaxe 20x2 transmitter.
I have purchased AXE118-20m (fitted with 20x2) Project Kit. (Chip ULN2803A not fitted).
I have fitted a infrared LED into output zero and useing and using this code ,(from the Tutorial)
the infrared LED flashes OK. (Using the Digital camera test, again from the Tutorial)
But I only have one cannel!
I would like to have eight channel control useing Picaxe 20x2 but I don`t know how to do it, yes I have searched the forum. Your help is appreciated.
Thanks Ernest


Senior Member
Until you get it working, You're outputting the IR data like a machine gun:)

Try the following code (yours with minor changes):
SYMBOL Txinfo = b12 ; variable to hold the value to be sent by IR comms
SYMBOL countr = b10 ; variable to count how many time we transmit each piece of data
SYMBOL device = 1 ; 1 = Sony TV - see PICAXE manuals
SYMBOL IRoutpin = 0 ; define the pin for IR data
   FOR Txinfo = 0 to 8 ; we will send all permissible values from 0 to 127
      FOR countr = 1 TO 3 ; loop 3 time in case receiver misses first pass
         IRout IRoutpin, device , Txinfo'define the pin for IR data (0 TO 7)
         PAUSE 250 ; wait for ‘(a)’ delay interval before resending
      NEXT countr
      Pause 1000
   NEXT Txinfo
   PAUSE 4000 
LOOP ; loop forever to keep sending the values 0 to 127 repeatedly