glcd image into eeprom

Hi all,
has anyone got a slik way of putting a number of glcd images on to i2c eeprom via a picaxe based system?. the only way I have managed is by compiling the image data onto a normal pic (via a free program)and then sending this out on serial comms to hyperterminal eg ("let b0 = (next byte from compiled image goes here),cr,lf,"gosub eewrite"). This did work but I had to chop the code up as there appeares to be some kind of maximum buffer size for either the com port or the hyperterminal program.
Does the Glick graphics lcd cd software write straight to the eeprom via the picaxe or do you need the glick chip interface?.


GLIC software writes to EEPROM via GLIC ic.
The ic firmware buffers/formats and sends it to EEPROM.

The GLIC PC software also does the bitmap header reading/stripping before sending the actual image data section of bmp file.

The header data is important to check image compatibility.

Edited by - dippy on 15/08/2007 10:26:21