ge 35 led christmas lights


Senior Member
Not those, but I made a controller for 32 separate light strings. Each output can control LED strings or up to 500 watts load.
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Senior Member
Years ago I did a project where we had multiple remote stations we had to communicate with and used a similar adx scheme where the master sent out an address cmnd with a 0, the first unit would take this adx as his, increment it and send it out the next unit, and so forth. So no mater how many units were added it could always establish selective communications with any units. When a individual unit was interrogate, it would send it's data on down the string which would eventually loop around back to the master. It simplified field installation as only 3 wires were required (power, gnd, data), installer didn't have to know anything about selecting addresses, just plug units together in a serial fashion, then the last unit was routed back to the master.
It was done with pics in assembly language.
Now I have to get those Christmas lights to see what fun can be had after reading the above hacks. COOL.a