Formatting post: try1


Here's post #2 of "Advice required re Bipolar Stepper motors", cut and pasted as is. The 1's and 0's have miraculously gone back to where they should be!
Will they still be there after posting? Here goes....
; Drives a bipolar stepper motor using two PICAXE outputs, an L293D driver chip and a 74HCT004 inverter
; Sequence: Coil 1 Coil 2
; 1 1
; 0 1
; 0 0
; 1 0

if infra=0 then avant
if infra=1 then arriere
if infra>1 then goto main

avant: for b1=1 to 3
high c.4 ; To coil 1
pause b0
high c.1 ; To coil 2
pause b0
low c.4
pause b0
low c.1
pause b0
next b1
goto main

arriere: for b1= 1 to 3
high c.4
pause b0
low c.1
pause b0
low c.4
pause b0
high c.1
pause b0
next b1
goto main