Error: Values greater than 65535 are not supported!


Hi there,
I wrote a program few weeks ago and it was working just fine, but now I can’t run it because I get the following message:
“Compile Error…Error: Values greater than 65535 are not supported!”
As I mentioned before it was working just fine and I didn’t make any change in the program.
Do you thing that is something wrong with the Programming Editor?
Here is the program posted:

setint %00000000,%00000010

inicio: let b9= 0
if pin1=0 then interrupt
serout 0, T2400,(254,1)
pause 500
readadc10 0,w1
if w1> 157 then label_84
goto inicio

label_84: serout 0,T2400,(254,12,"Bienvenido deposite 2 monedas")
pause 2000
if pin1=0 then interrupt
goto inicio

interrupt: let b9=b9+ 1
if b9= 1 then label_66
serout 0,T2400,(254,1)
let w2 = 0
for b0 = 1 to 10
readadc10 0, w1
let b1= w1/7
let w2 = w2 + b1
pause 300
next b0 ‘ next loop
let b5=w2/10
let b6=w2//10
i2cslave $E0,i2cfast,i2cbyte
writei2c 0,(81)
pause 100
readi2c 2,(b7, b8)
let b10 = 197-w4
let b11 = b10/100
let b12 = b10//100
serout 0,T2400,(254,128,"Su altura es=",#b11,".",#b12,"mts")
serout 0,T2400,(254,192,"Su peso es=",#b5,".",#b6,"Kg")
pause 4000
serout 0, T2400,(254,1)
pause 30
serout 0,T2400,(254,192,"¡Gracias por pesarse!")
pause 2000
setfreq m8
serout 2,N4800,("Básculas GABBS",13,10)
serout 2,N4800,("Su altura es= ",#b11,".",#b12,"metros",13,10)
serout 2,N4800,("Su peso es= ",#b5,".",#b6,"Kg",13,10)
serout 2,N4800,("",13,10)
serout 2,N4800,("",13,10)
serout 2,N4800,("",13,10)
serout 2,N4800,("",13,10)
serout 2,N4800,("",13,10)
setfreq m4
setint %00000000,%00000010
pause 1000
goto inicio

label_66: serout 0,T2400,(254,1)
serout 0,T2400,(254,128,"Deposite 2da moneda")
serout 0,T2400,(254,192,"Suba la plataforma y no se mueva!")
pause 1000
label_96: if pin1=0 then interrupt
goto label_96

Thanks in advance!


Ex-Staff (retired)
Do you thing that is something wrong with the Programming Editor?

I get the same error. It's always shown as an error on the first line regardless of what that line is, even if it's a comment.

Programming Editor 5.1.7, 18X and 28X1 Enhanced compiler. Didn't try others.


Senior Member
Using Programming Editor 5.1.5 it compiles OK. Using Programming Editor 5.1.6 and 5.1.7 I get the same problem as you. Must be a bug in 5.1.6 and 5.1.7
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I dont like the line
"let b10 = 197-w4"

I haven't tried it, but care required possibly unless I've missed something?


Senior Member
Quite right Dippy. There are a couple other unsound code examples like that

readadc10 0, w1
let b1= w1/7

let b5=w2/10
let b6=w2//10

let b10 = 197-w4

There isn't a RETURN command from the INTERRUPT call also. You must have a RETURN from the INTERRUPT or the setint command won't do anything from that point on.



Senior Member
The problem is with the special characters in these two lines (special for English):
serout 0,T2400,(254,192,"¡Gracias por pesarse!")
serout 2,N4800,("Básculas GABBS",13,10)

If you remove the "¡" and "á" the program will compile. This is a known problem, and I believe Technical has said that this problem will be fixed in the next release.

Others are right about your interrupt routine needing to end with "return" and not "goto inicio". This also means that your label_96 must be changed or it will never be exited.

One way to track down an error like this one in which the line with the error isn't indicated is to block out various sections of the code with #rem and #endrem until you have removed the line which causes the error. Then narrow it down to the exact line(s). It took me a half-dozen changes to find the two lines.
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Looking at your code I see that you are meassuring a weight and a height. Could you share some info about the sensors you are using?
Sorry, I know you are looking for help and I am not helping but there are lots of people more knowlegeable than me that have jumped in already.

Saludos y suerte con tu proyecto
(Cheers and good luck with your project)


Senior Member
Note that in this section of your code the display of the height could be off by quite a lot. If w4 is 88, so that b10 is 109, you will display a height of 1.9 meters, not the 1.09 you would want.

let b10 = 197-w4
let b11 = b10/100
let b12 = b10//100
serout 0,T2400,(254,128,"Su altura es=",#b11,".",#b12,"mts")

To fix this, use

let b10 = 197-w4
let b11 = b10/100
let b12 = b10/10//10
let b13 = b10//10
serout 0,T2400,(254,128,"Su altura es=",#b11,".",#b12,#b13,"mts")