Senior Member
I've had some of these cheap (99 cents, free ship) modules forever but only tried them today:
Had very low expectations, having read Goeytex' comments that the cheesy super-regen receiver was junk. So I spent as little time as possible breadboarding and coding. Used rfout and rfin (Manchester coding) and son of a gun, I got good data reception up to ~25 feet indoors and 40 feet outdoors.
Hey Technical: I had to use a pair of 20M2's. Why can't the 08M2 support rfout & rfin?
I used this antenna design: I just coiled wire wrap wire around a piece of a bamboo food skewer (whatever was laying around). Simple code for transmitter and receiver attached. Transmitter sends numbers 1-255 and repeats. Receiver blinks LED with each number received and displays numbers received in serial terminal.
My transmitter and receiver are both powered by 3x AA batteries (4.5V). Some sites (including Ebay seller) report the transmitter power/range can be improved by increasing the transmitter voltage up to 12V. I have not tried that yet.
Had very low expectations, having read Goeytex' comments that the cheesy super-regen receiver was junk. So I spent as little time as possible breadboarding and coding. Used rfout and rfin (Manchester coding) and son of a gun, I got good data reception up to ~25 feet indoors and 40 feet outdoors.
Hey Technical: I had to use a pair of 20M2's. Why can't the 08M2 support rfout & rfin?
I used this antenna design: I just coiled wire wrap wire around a piece of a bamboo food skewer (whatever was laying around). Simple code for transmitter and receiver attached. Transmitter sends numbers 1-255 and repeats. Receiver blinks LED with each number received and displays numbers received in serial terminal.
My transmitter and receiver are both powered by 3x AA batteries (4.5V). Some sites (including Ebay seller) report the transmitter power/range can be improved by increasing the transmitter voltage up to 12V. I have not tried that yet.
#picaxe 20m2
pause 200
low b.7 ' LED off
rfin c.7,b0,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7
high b.7 ' LED on
sertxd (#b0,13,10)
pause 300 ' keep LED on a bit
for b0=1 to 255
rfout b.7,(b0,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7) ' transmit b0 plus 7 dummy values for rfout format
sertxd (#b0,13,10)
pause 500