EA DIP204-4 20x4 LCD Using the KS0073 chip


Here is some code that may help one of you out one day if using the small 20x4 EA DIP204-4 LCD.
I decided to use this LCD as it is far smaller than the other 20x4 displays available and so can make your designs look far more appealing.

i stumbled across a few problems when first initialising the display, the first problem was interfacing using the axe033 serial interface the module would duplicate characters onto the next line. After studying the LCD manual and experimenting i found a solution as listed below.
The AXE033 worked great but the sparkfun serial backpack can run at far greater speeds.


setfreq em16
pause 800
serout 4,n2400_16,(254,$24)
pause 1
serout 4,n2400_16,(254,$09)
pause 1
serout 4,n2400_16,(254,$20)
pause 1
serout 4,n2400_16,(254,$0f)
pause 1
serout 4,n2400_16,(254,$01)
pause 1
serout 4,n2400_16,(254,128,"abcdefghijklmnopqrst")
Pause 1
serout 4,n2400_16,(254,160,"1x2x3x4x5x6x7x8x9x0x")
pause 1
serout 4,n2400_16,(254,192,"zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihg")
pause 1
serout 4,n2400_16,(254,224,"00000000000000000000")

Sparkfun Backpack

setfreq em16
pause 800
serout 4,T9600_16,(254,$24)
pause 1
serout 4,T9600_16,(254,$09)
pause 1
serout 4,T9600_16,(254,$20)
pause 1
serout 4,T9600_16,(254,$0f)
pause 1
serout 4,T9600_16,(254,$01)
pause 1
serout 4,T9600_16,(254,128,"abcdefghijklmnopqrst")
Pause 1
serout 4,T9600_16,(254,148,"1x2x3x4x5x6x7x8x9x0x")
pause 1
serout 4,T9600_16,(254,192,"zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihg")
pause 1
serout 4,T9600_16,(254,212,"00000000000000000000")


Senior Member
Well done. Got any photos you can post so we can see what this display looks like, and a link to the datasheet please.