Download to 08M chip freezes the editor.


New Member
Since upgrading to v5.3.1. I get the following problem.
Even with the simplest program in the editor, on pressing "Program" the initial download to the chip works fine.
After editing the code, say for the second or third time, the string of blue dots download indicator is filled but everything hangs for 30 seconds or more, with the hourglass running and then the "success" screen eventually appears.
The modified program does update the chip immediately, even though the indication on screen is saying otherwise.
Nothing has changed, breadboard wise.
Even downloading an empty program (with no text) does the same.
I did delete the old editor program before upgrading it.
Any ideas?


Ex-Staff (retired)
the string of blue dots download indicator is filled but everything hangs for 30 seconds or more, with the hourglass running and then the "success" screen eventually appears.
I've not encountered that and tried multiple downloads without it happening. Can you clarify at what point the hanging occurs; the bar graph dots have all been filled and it's between then and the success screen appearing ?

It could be worthwhile installing AXEpad for Windows and seeing if that exhibits the same behaviour.

The modified program does update the chip immediately, even though the indication on screen is saying otherwise.
I'm not clear on what indication on screen is saying anything other than the chip has programmed successfully ?


New Member
Thanks for that.
The blue dots travel across the screen and stay there.
Wait 30 seconds or more and then the download success dialogue box is displayed.
The LEDs on the project board display the new sequence as per the edited program immediately the line of blue indicators get to the RHS.
Removing the power between downloads fixes it.
Could this be a USB driver issue?
The same happens if I remove all the LEDs etc
Thanks again.


Ex-Staff (retired)
It could possibly be a driver related issue; the port will be closed after download completes and before the success message shows so any issues with drivers could delay a response. What download cable are you using, which drivers, which Windows OS, and do you have Bluetooth or any other removable device serial drivers installed ?

The only wild guess I have - though I've never known it to happen - is that the chip after programming is doing something ( for example, toggling Serial Out ) which causes the driver to think it's busy which delays the port being closed. You could add a PAUSE 1000 to the start of the program to test that.

As you seem to be using breadboard you could also give it all a 'good shake', make sure all wires components are inserted securely and remove all components except the download interface and power.


I have been getting exactly the same.

Does it in about one in twenty downloads.

Don't cause me a problem, but is slightly annoying.

I am running Win 7 on an Acer Aspire.

Does it with AXE027 and USB010.

Was ok with my old Dell running XP.

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New Member
Thanks again.
I can detach my breadboard completely, as it is socketed on a lead to the PICAXE board. I have done that and the same problem occurs after a few downloads.
I am beginning to think it may be the O8M itself, but why it was OK before the updated software remains a mystery!
I am using the AXE027 with Win XP.
Even putting no text in the program at all, it still does this.
Change chip time, I think, particularly as I was going to play with the 40X2 chip, which the previous software did not cover.
I will update this thread then.