direct lcd control while using i2c


New Member
Hey, this is my first post here, so hello all

ive been searching the net for code to control my 20x4 lcd module (HD44780) with a picaxe 18x

i found this
it works well, but i also want to use i2c, and the pins required for i2c are used by the lcd program and i cant figure out how to modify the code for it to work.

i have the lcd connected as follows

picaxe 18x - LCD
13 ---------| 14 | DB7 |
12 ---------| 13 | DB6 |
11 ---------| 12 | DB5 |
9 ----------| 11 | DB4 |
------------| 10 | DB3 |
------------| 9 | DB2 |
------------| 8 | DB1 |
------------| 7 | DB0 |
6 ----------| 6 | E |
0v ---------| 5 | /WR |
8 ----------| 4 | RS |
0v ---------| 3 | Vo |
v+ ---------| 2 | Vcc |
0v ---------| 1 | Vdd |

im sure its realy simple but ive been trying for hours now so im admitting defeat.


Edited by - lazzymonk on 16/03/2006 02:29:54


Senior Member
One more suggestion. If you are running short on pins on your Picaxe, another option would be to add a Maxim MAX7500 I/O expander ( and use it to drive the LCD in 8-bit mode. The 7500 communicates through I2C so it would nicely integrate since you already use I2C. It adds 20 pins (in the DIP packaged version) and you'd only need 10 for the LCD.
