digital timer input to O8M

Rod G

New Member
Have been using LDR on school project board O8M to open & shut a pet door ok.
I Want morning time control so I have simple digital timer module Arlec #PC697 (12v Kit). ( Dick Smith Kit K3582 in au. & nz. )
External Timer switches a relay SPDT as input to picaxe input 3 for morning. I want to rest the relay all day and switch it at end of day again to picaxe to send motor reverse & close door. I will use LDR to close if it cannot be done using the same input 3
Timer can send 10 on and 10 off cycles per day 1 minute minimum duration.Can I count or increment these and reset to 0 at the close of the day ??? Please do not assume that I know anything.

Thanks Wallace !!! .au



Senior Member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size=1 face=arial>quote:<hr height=1 noshade>
Timer can send 10 on and 10 off cycles per day 1 minute minimum duration.Can I count or increment these and reset to 0 at the close of the day ??? Please do not assume that I know anything. <hr height=1 noshade></BLOCKQUOTE></font><font face='Verdana, Arial, Helvetica' size=2>

I may be misunderstanding what you have there but I would think you only need to have 2 outputs from the timer one to signal morning period and one to signal night period your picaxe is then toggelling between the states.

IE on the morning signal the programme is operative.

on the night time signal the programme is in a loop waiting for the next signal (the morning signal)

<code><pre><font size=2 face='Courier'>
'untested idea.

pause 500 'time allowed for input signal to reset adjust as required
if pin3 = 1 then opendoor 'morning input signal
goto start

pause 500 'time allowed for input signal to reset adjust as required
b0=1 ' flag to show morning/night state

if pin3 = 1 then night 'checks for next input signal ie night signal

'do your LED door opener routine here. Make sure you close
' the door before leaving this routine.

goto opendoor 'keeps the system in the daytime loop

night: 'exits the day loop
b0=0 'resets the flag to nigh state
goto start 'goes to the night loop where it just looks for the next input ie morning.

This is not very elegant to make it easy to understand you could clean this up but the principles should work.

Edited by - rickharris on 11/11/2006 08:19:15

Rod G

New Member
Thank you RickHarris for your prompt reply
I shall immediately start working on it and thanks again ( I'll keep the rooster in until a civil hour)


Michael 2727

Senior Member
Locking them up doesn't shut them up though.
My 3 love their colourbond echo chamber.

Thinking ???, remote Ultrasonic zapper.