debug crashes my laptop


New Member
Hi I am new to the picaxe, when I use the
debug command, given that the serial out pin is correctly connected, my lap top processor fan speed increases dramatically.
If I leave the the debug window open then the Windows crashes and I suspect I am overvolting the USB port. Supply to the PIC is 5.1V regulated. Whaddya think good people?



New Member
How are you connected to the USB port?

Chances are your not "overvolting" the USB port. They're generally pretty robust.

If your laptop fan goes nuts, and the debug window crashes windows, it's soemthing with your USB drivers. Either the root drivers (for the USB interface), the device drivers (for what's plugged into the USB port), or soemthing between two USB devices. Something isn't playing happy.

I know this isn't a windows support forum..hehe...but if you could give me the exact errors you get (if any) I can tell ya which way to go with it.

--Andy P


One teeny tiny thought which you should look at. It may not be the problem but I had a similar thing a while ago when I was fiddling with serial input on VB.
IF (and I say IF) the debug window is continuously looking for serial input it will be using a lot of processor time.
IF it is possible (and you use XP) do a ctrl+alt+del and look at the CPU usage.
IF it is 80 - 100% then your processor will get warmer and your fan will come on. MAYBE your PC is a little oversensitive to high processor usage / higher temps?
Just a thought.
In my case the notebook didn't crash but it halved my battery life.


New Member
Thanx for the prompt replies! I am connected via a standard USB to serial adaptor which is fine with all other serial applications. I use the 22k/10k resistor network as in the manual. I would have thought a 3.4 gig processor would eat a simple serial job like this! As for the USB drivers, I use the same set up to connect to some serious motion controllers via RS232, and they fire a LOAD data to the laptop with no probs whatsoever. So I reckon this is PICAXE specific........



Well I've just checked on mine.
Debug is making my processor run at about 70 to 80% = warmer than if running at 10%.

Don't imagine that because a task is 'simple' that it ain't hogging the processor. A lot depends on how the original programme was written.
Try it with VB and you'll see what I mean.

Anyway, it was only a loud thought... it may be something completely different.


New Member
Well here's a thing. I installed the editor on a steam-driven Dell desktop (1.8Gigs, 128Meg RAM) as opposed to an Acer 3.4Gig, 1 Gig RAM, and running off the USB port with the same programme the problem disappears! So is it a case of Dell 1, Acer 0?
Thanks for your input everybody!



New Member
Is the do.............loop structure
actually implemented yet, although its
in the BASIC command list the editor (latest version) does not appear to recognise it i.e. it comes up in black
not in purple as a recognised keyword, and causes a syntax error.

Thank ee all