
Hi there...

I was planning on making a simple CNC machine for craving pcb and all of that, most of all to learn a litle more about something else, But i not very good in my bank balance right now so, i was thinking of going to one off the worst parts, the software, I wanted to make it my own i know thats very dificult. I need you guys to tel-me whats the best language to learn and use, I will like to talk to the pic by serial. And the rest its about grafic interface i think, i will like to learn at least the bmp code, and how to use it, I know theres alot in google, but i need opinions, I only know Basic. And a litle of assembly. at least thats a start :)

Thanks in advance...

João Pires


Ex-Staff (retired)
Any high level language which supports serial ports, is designed for GUI use and has active support for users would probably be suitable. With some knowledge of Basic, Microsoft's VB.Net would be my first suggestion as it's free to download and to use, there's plenty of information about using it with serial ports and the GUI side of things but there are alternatives.

You've got quite a complicated project planned. An alternative may be to look for ready made CNC control solutions and make your hardware work with one of those then write your CNC software later ( if you need to ).



Thanks i was wondering if VB was strong enought to do that task, now lest see if i´m that strong :)

The serial talking i think i got, some time ago, But i realy got nothing on the gui interface, Lest google some more.

Thanks once again for the reply hippy


I'm not very good at all this, but I plan to make one with some stepper motors..

I plan on making a joystick control with microswitches first and then moving onto see if I can interface it later....I think I will look into making some kind of GUI.....


hi jc173

yep just something like me, I just don´t have money to spend in the fisical part of the project just right now, And learning some new prograning language its harder but takes less money :)

And even if i end up no using it for this project, i never loose,

Hippy i was shearching around for the visual basic, And dind´t find any clear think. So i think i will cath up with C. I will need it someday for something.
