Changing HTTP Port


New Member
I have tried to change the HTTP (TCP) port on one my PNS units (v1.00) from 80 to 81 through the RS-232 port using the “p” command and saved it with the “u” command as per published instructions but it did not take.

I need to access PNS as well as Netburner units in the local LAN from the internet, through my LinkSys WRT54G router, which will only route a range of ports to identical ports on a local IP address.

Am I missing something?
Welcome to the PICAXE Forum.

Unfortunately you don't say what the actual problem is; whether you've lost LAN and WAN access or have simply lost WAN access. It may simply be a router configuration.

Was internet access working when you had port 80 selected ?

Is LAN access working with port 81 ?
Changing the port.

I need to change the HTTP port on the PICAXE from 80 to something else. This is my problem. I would like to be able to browse to the default web page by typing "" in the browser address bar.

I hope that this is a clear explanation of my problem.

Thanks for your interest.
It's been a while since I've configured a PICAXE.Net but using "p" and "u" should I recall update the HTTP server port number.

When you attempt to change it, does PICAXE.Net disappear from the network or is it still accessible using port 80 ?

Is it possible to keep PICAXE.Net on port 80 and put other servers on port 81 etc ?
Using "p" and "u" causes the PNS to reboot, but it would still be accessable using port 80. I do have another server usin port 80, so I need to change the PNS to another port. I have managed to change the NetBurner's default port, but I can't change the PNS. I do need to change it. Any ideas?
Apologies for the delay in responding. I am planning to test a PNS setup tomorrow ( later today ) and will hopefully have further information then.
Can't get the PICAXE.Net 'on the network' but suspect that's the router totally locked down as I had problems pre-Christmas with other kit, plus not doing any PNS for a while, however I can access serial setup which is where the specific problem seems to be. I'm on v0.05 which also seems to be an earlier version.

I have tried to change the HTTP (TCP) port on one my PNS units (v1.00) from 80 to 81 through the RS-232 port using the “p” command and saved it with the “u” command as per published instructions but it did not take.

Can you clarify exactly what you mean by "did not take", other than it didn't achieve the desired effect ?

If you issue a "p" command, enter "81", then re-issue a "p" command, then what does it show ?

If you issue a "u" command, re-enter setup, issue another "p" command, what does that show ?

If you temporarily adjust the IP address with a "b" command to "", then re-issue a "b" command, what does that show ?

If you return to your original settings, can access the web server at "", then issue a "b" command, change IP address to "", issue a "u" command, can the web server be accessed at "" ?

If you re-enter setup, issue a "b" command and a "p" command what do they show ?

There's not any specific answer here, but it might point to what the problem or issue is.