Bot120 Programming Problems - “Hardware not found”


New Member
Nine out of ten times I get the “Hardware not found” error when I try to download a program to the Bot120. It may work and upload a program but the next time I try to upload a program I get the “Hardware not found” error. I have tried and tested the following:

1 - It is not the serial cable because it works fine with my AXE091 board
2 - I have run the Bot120 off a 5V power supply from the AXE091, so it is not a low voltage or power problem
3 - I have traced the audio connector points on the Bot120 to the serial cable connector and they make good contact
4 - I have measured the 22k and 10k resistors on the board and that seems fine
5 - I have traced the tracks to the 20X2 and that seems OK
6 - I have tried the hardware reset procedure and that doesn't work

It looks like it may be a software problem on the PICAXE-20X2? I am using the PICAXE Programming Editor version 5.3.6.

Any ideas?

It could be related to the program already installed causing delays before the 20X2 can respond to a download. Long pauses or SERIN without a timeout shorter than 5 seconds are possibles.

What is the success rate if you try a "hard reset" at the start of each download?
There are no known issues with the BOT120 - it's just a PICAXE-20X2 chip configured like any other PICAXE circuit. So that leaves a hardware issue - power supply, faulty connection etc
Any ideas?

12 years on, I can answer this one :D

The 3.5mm jack plug needs an extra little push, to fully seat it in the on-board socket - it looks like it's connected, but it isn't...

(I had all the same symptoms and went through the same diagnostic procedure. I spotted this, using a 3.5mm jack to 3.5mm jack lead, which revealed that I didn't have continuity through the cable to the PCB. I don't have any other 3.5mm sockets with this characteristic!).
@PhilHornby My guess is that in the last 12 years, the students from the Technology class either 1) solved the problem or 2) or took up some form of virtual technology, where everything works perfectly!

However, it's good to share your knowledge so that other people/classes in the same plight can search and actually find a solution. Well done.✅