BAS800 - bootloader?

Andrew Cowan

Senior Member
I have a BAS800 lying around, and I very rarely use it. However, it occured to me that as it is uses raw PICs, it may not have the limitations (speed) of the PICAXE family.

Will a program on a raw PIC, written with the BAS800 run at the millions of commands per second that are theoretically possible? Or is there something more complex that will limit the speeds?



Also, is the BAS800 compatible with the latest version of PIC logicator? I have PIC logitator 1.3 on a floppy disk, but it has problems installing.
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Ex-Staff (retired)
Assembler programmed via BAS800 will run at full PICmicro clock speeds, the "Convert Basic to Assembler" tool will turn supported Basic commands into assembler which should consequently run faster than when interpreted by a PICAXE. The converter is an educational tool so not all commands and PICAXE abilities are supported.

I believe the latest Logicator for PIC and PICAXE micros supports the BAS800 ( I'm not sure how it programs a PICmicro if it doesn't ). If you are "planning to write most of the code in assembler" I'm not sure how useful Logicator will be, but as it's a shareware program it would be worth downloading to see if it meets your requirements.

Andrew Cowan

Senior Member
Thanks Hippy.

I wanted to have a play with logicator for some easy experiment, but most of my complex code will be in assembler.

If I can't figure out how to program directly from logicator, I can always use the Basic to assembler converter - in fact, I find BASIC easier to write than a flow chart, so it doesn't really need solving.

Nice to know about the speeds.

