AXE110 with clock chip - what is the fastest sample rate?


New Member
I'm thinking of getting the AXE110 with the DS1307 click chip. Despite looking through the data and searching this forum, I can't find what is the maximum sample rate that this can support, assuming I wish to sample all four inputs. Does anyone have any experience of this, either with the wizard or with hand-crafted code?




Have just been doing some experiments myselft with a home built datalogger.
The min time delay in the standard program is 1 second - but yoiu can remove all delays if you go into the code the wizard produces.

The DS18B20 temp sensor is taking about 0.3 sec (in my case but max/worst case at higher resolution could be 0.75 seconds).
With a small amount of time for other programn overheads (reading sensors, saving to memory etc) 1 second will roughly be the best you could achieve with NO delays.
With a specified 1 second delay it will, as a consequence in fact be about 2 seconds.

As the wizard set time delay/interval between samples increases, the overhead component does not so the timing as set by the AXE11o wizard becomes more accurate (as a percentage).


New Member
Thanks for the info, I was hoping to get a bit faster than a second but it will probably do the trick.

I'll get an axe110 and have a play
