axe091 heads up


New Member
I've been wondering why Sw1 Sw2 and Sw3 were not working as expected.

found the 10K pull down resistor package was in reverse.

works now...




In looking at the AXE091 datasheet for your other thread I noticed that the datasheet states:
The PICAXE development board is supplied fully assembled and tested and is fitted with a PICAXE-18X microcontroller.
Where the SIL resistor packs you found incorrectly installed part of the factory assembley or something you added? :confused:


Ex-Staff (retired)
Obviously the resistor pack should have been inserted the correct way round and this should have been caught during testing, so apologies for any error there.

I don't know what Rev-Ed processes and procedures are for in-house and sub-contracted work but will pass on this information.

I did test the new AXE091 version and did not find any problems when testing. I suspect this is a component insertion problem but I cannot say if this is a one-off problem or more wide-spread. I am sure Rev-Ed held stock will be checked as soon as possible.

I don't have a latest AXE091 to hand but on the version I have, the SIL is the one next to L1 and LDR. PCB silkscreen shows a circle at the pot end and a dot marked on the SIL lines up with that circle, 0V - Is that the same with your version Hubsy, and how you now have it to work as expected ?


New Member
dot on sil is now next to O on print. sil printing facing LDR.

traced problem with ohm-meter, wasn't rocket science.

If anyone was to get a wrong one it would be me....


Ex-Staff (retired)
Thanks Husby - It does seem the SIL was inserted the wrong way round during assembly. Hopefully it was just the one on the bandoleer or picked from the tub.


Technical Support
Staff member
We have checked all the shelf stock and there were no more errors so we apologise for what looks like a one-off assembly error by the sub-contractor.