AXE045 Colour Sensor


Senior Member
I have received an e-mail directly from someone requesting some help regading the AXE045 Colour Sensor. I made a quick reply but I do not see myself very qualified regarding this device (I do not have one myself). If anyone has any ideas, I will forward them (including any credit...) to the sender. The e-mail, as is:


Subject: Some cuestions

He/she forgives for my English, I use a translator. I have connected the module axe045 (picaxe sensor colour) with a module picaxe 28x. I have also used the program that he/she comes from test to read the values, but the problem that I have it is that the leds that illuminate the piece to read the data doesn't fade and alone he/she gives zero reading for the three variables. I have proven with other I module of axe 024M and it works perfectly with the same program. Thank you in advance. The configuration has been the following one:

<code><pre><font size=2>
0V In3 Out1 Out4 V+

0V free free free Out0


All help is appreciated.

<b><i>ylp88 </b> </i>

Edited by - ylp88 on 1/30/2006 1:27:10 AM


Technical Support
Staff member
Check they are not trying to use the darlington driver buffered outputs on a 28 project board - you need a 'hard-wired' connection straight to the PICAXE i/o pins.