AXE 110 Datalogger LCD / EEPROM


New Member
Hi (first post here)

I'm starting to assemble a datalogger from the AXE 110 kit. Along with it I got the AXE 033 LCD and the AXE111 EEPROM. Now that I've had the documentation to read in detail ...and slowly... it sounds like the AXE 110 won't output to the LCD and the EEPROM simultaneously. Not even alternate from one to the other because they both need Output 6.

Have I misunderstood or is that true? Any work-arounds that you know of?
A switch on the container so that at you can choose either "store" OR "display"?

PS this project is a replacement for my old PICAXE datalogger, which was built on waferboard from a kit you can see here:

My datalogger monitored the power output of a windmill that I built, so that I could evaluate the changes and improvements as I optimized the machine. This "second generation" is meant to run continuously and provide power info on the LCD. I also want to eliminate having a laptop computer running all the time to collect the data, but can it use both the EEPROM and the LCD?


Love this PICAXE stuff. I can acually understand it after reading the manuals a couple of times.


Hello Steve and welcome to the Forum.

I've just had quick look at my 110 and the datasheet.

It should be possible,
with a bit of Jiggery-pokery.

Programming Editor.
PICAXE / Wizards / AXE110

1.Start a simple Wizard. (See picture).
2.Then insert a line, something like

Serout 6,n2400, (#data0, “  “,#data7,cr,lf))
I apologise in advance for the rushed reply. :)

Added edit.
'Now read each sensor
	high 3 ' flash LED

	readadc 0,data0
	readtemp 7,data7

	low 3 ' end of flash LED
	serout 6,n2400,(254,1)
	serout 6,n2400,(254,128)
	serout 6,n2400, (#data0, " ",#data7)
Working OK. :)


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New Member
Thanks for your suggestion. I'll try it soon to see how well that works. I'm still at the stage of planning how the soldering and inter-connections should go, to fit everything into one box. Once the connections are made I can do some more meaningful tests with the wizard, then start adding stuff to the code manually.


Senior Member
I have an AXE033 and a MIC050, bought individually. My understanding was that the I2C bus allowed several devices to communicate on the same line, so long as each had a different address and they'd have to be updated sequentially.

Had my Axe033 on an 08M though, connected using the serial option. Need to get cracking with the EEPROMs as I now have a need to monitor temps in several locations at work.

Anyway, back on track - (I thought) The way the programs run on a picaxe meant that no processes (other than PWM???) could run simultaneously. maybe i've chewed on the wrong end of the stick though {woof}


New Member
My reading of the datasheet is that the EEPROM and LCD can happily co-exist. The only thing you can't do is selectively enable the write protecting of the EEPROM. With the LCD in use the EEPROM is permanently enabled for writing.


From my past reading of the datasheets, I concur with spong.
LCD and EEPROM can be used at the same time - just no write protect function for the EEPROM.


Re. posts #5 and 6.

The following is from line 70 onwards of a Wizard code mission.

	high 5 ' write protect eeprom
'reload the last address from data memory
	read 0,b6
	read 1,b7

' *********************************
' ***** Main loop - read data *****
' *********************************

'Now read each sensor
	high 3 ' flash LED

	readadc 0,data0
	readtemp 7,data7

	low 3 ' end of flash LED

' *****************************
' ***** Now Save the Data *****
' *****************************

'Now save the data
	low 5 ' write enable eeprom
Pin 5 "controls" Eeprom read and write.

Pin 6 is independent, and can be used to serout data to LCD.

(See post #2)



Verbatim from the AXE110 datasheet:
- Use EE WP on AXE111
If selected, output6 is used as a write-enable for the AXE111 memory expansion board. Note this option cannot be used at the same time as the serial LCD option, as both options use output6. If selected, a jumper wire should be soldered across the pads marked LK1 on the bottom of the AXE110 datalogger module.
Output 5 is only for the AXE110 onboard EEPROM
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New Member
Thanks again for clearing that up. When I read the same lines, I thought it referred to the actual write command, instead of the write-enable/disable feature.

There's an extra connector on the EEPROM board. I have downloaded and read the AXE111 PDF, but nothing about the extra connector, "CT1", on that one-page sheet. Is that to expand it? Is there an instruction sheet for the "extra" memory?


Technical Support
Staff member
You could just cut off the appropriate pin on the header that joins AXE111 to the main PCB so that connection is not made Then the EEPROMs on AXE111 would be permanently write enabled (they are pulled low by a resistor on AXE111, so this is not any problem) and then use output 6 for the LCD only.


Or . . .

Just don't install (or if installed, then remove) the link LK1 on the AXE110 board.
Accordng to the schematic on the datasheet, this isolates the signal to the i2c connector CT8.

then no need to cut the write protect pin on the AXE111 memory expansion board