Anyone know of a easy server?


Does anyone have any experience with any EASY to use server thats also cheap? I want to use it with a pic axe. I just want to be able to turn 8 pins on and off with the server. It would be best if it doesnt have to be programmed to. Does anyone know of such a thing?


I'm looking for a device that I can plug into my router (rj45) that contains a simple webpage that I can use to make pins go high/low that I can use to make my picaxes do various things (drive servo etc) without having to have it go through my computor at the router end. Kinda like a video server but something that I can use to control stuff.


Senior Member
I have used simplelan with just serin on a 28X1 for 6months+ now, so for simple on/off pins you dont need the hserin.

18X and 14-m didnt work though.

Modtronix do some SBC65EC boards too, they contain everything needed to change some pins, but a bit pricey, and can already be coded in C, so the picaxe idea is a bit lost.


Senior Member
I also believe that the SimpleLan is the way to go. You can have a tiny Web Server working in no time.
Since some of us have experience working with this module we could help you out setting it up.


Ive seen the posts on that here , for some reason I thought it would be complicated. Ill order one today. Thanks.


Senior Member
>used simplelan with just serin on a 28X1 (Mora99)

That's interesting. I just assumed that because serin didn't work because of timing problems on the 18X and others, it wouldn't work on the 28X1. Are you running faster than 4mHz? I'd like to free up hserin for other uses.


New Member
Steliosm is very modest about his qualifications on Simplelan - in fact he is an expert on this device! It will do what you want - cheap, no computer, plugs into a router, turns things on and off via the web using a picaxe. If you have ordered one already hopefully you will get it before the new year. And forum members will definitely be able to help you get it set up.