Any one used the axe031 servo driver


Senior Member
I mentioned a while back that I decided to use the axe031 servo driver for my project...
Im new to the one wire bus and the whole i2c commands.
The problem I am having is that the servos will not goto the centre even though the supplied code:

i2cslave $c2, i2cslow, i2cbyte
writei2c 63, (128)
writei2c 64, (128)
writei2c 65, (128)

does not make the servos goto the centre. I understand that many servos vary and that this is a common error however the servos will not go to their left or right limits. To be honest im just really really confused and Ive tried a lot of things.

Ive tried increasing the position of the servo by 1 so that it inches its way from left to right however at a certain point a long way before its internal stops it stops and goes back to the other end.

here is the code im using...

symbol servo1 = 63 'base register servo 1
symbol servo1p = 85 'positive register servo 1
symbol servo1n = 105 'negative register servo 1
symbol offset = 50
symbol base = w1

i2cslave $c2, i2cslow,i2cbyte
writei2c servo1,(base)
pause 1000
base = base + 5
writei2c servo1,(base)

and here is the data sheet...



New Member
I have briefly checked the link. I noticed that you always use 'writei2c servo1, (base)'. In my opinion you must use either 'writei2c servo1p,(base)' (positively) or 'Writei2c servo1n,(base)' (negatively).



Technical Support
Staff member
You've defined base as a word variable, but you can only send a byte to register 63. At some point it will overflow.

Don't worry about the offset registers to start with, just use:
writei2c servo1,(0)
for maximum one side
writei2c servo1,(255)
for other side
writei2c servo1,(128)
the middle

If these do not work there must be a hardware issue somewhere.


Senior Member

When I use that code. the servo seems to want to run past its internal stops at 0 and doesn't go the full length at 255. and therefore the center position is not 128.
but I will continue playing none the less