Anglekeeper for RC Submarines


New Member
today i want to publish an anglekeeper for RC submarines, a design i finished last year. I use the prototype in my submarine type XXII, an experimental study from WWII that was never built. The anglekeeper works pretty good for me.
The code might be simple to others, but costs me a lot of sleepless hours and4 some help from my friend Marco. I am not a programmer, sorry for mistakes. I am sure, the code could be improved. Feel free to do so and share!

The circuit consists mainly of a cheap accelerometer from china and a 18M2 PICAXE. Also on the board there are three potentiometer to adjust gain and Servo min/max to prevent that the servo runs into mechanical limits. A jumper is used to teach in the proper horizontal position that is later indicated by a LED. Thats it.

This circuit cant and will never be a substitute or competitor to the anglekeepers of established distributors. Also the circuit ist published "as is", a privat project of me without any guarantee that it will work with any RC control. Please keep that in mind.

Here ist the code (unfortunately in german):
;picaxe 18m2
;10k poti an c.0 (gain)
;10k poti an b.5 (maximal)
;10k poti an b.6 (minimal)
;empfänger an c.2
;led an b.3
;inklinometer an c.1
;servo an b.7
;nulltaster an b.2

symbol	counter	=b0
symbol	servomax	=b1
symbol	servomin	=b2
symbol	gain		=b3
symbol      filter	=b4
symbol	totpunkt	=b5
symbol      sensornull  =w4
symbol	ad_wert	=w5		
symbol      adwert_sum	=w6
symbol	subtract	=w7
symbol 	pulse		=w8
symbol	value		=w9
symbol	cas1		=w10
symbol	cas2		=w11
symbol	verst		=c.0
symbol 	inkl		=c.1
symbol	empf		=c.2
symbol	nullp		=b.2
symbol 	lednull	=b.3
symbol	smax		=b.5
symbol	smin		=b.6
symbol	tiefenr	=b.7

filter = 7								'Anzahl der Schleifendurchgänge. Guter Wert ist 5-7
totpunkt = 2							'Totpunkt
setfreq m16								'Gib Gummi!

read 0,WORD sensornull						'Sensornull aus eeprom auslesen
if pinb.2 =0 then goto main					'wenn Nullpunkttaster gedrückt
readadc10 inkl,ad_wert						'Sensor lesen
sensornull=ad_wert						'dann Sensornull mit aktuellem Wert laden
write 0,WORD sensornull						'Sensornull wert in eeprom speichern
 cas1 = sensornull -totpunkt					'Grenzen für Nullpunktled definieren
 cas2 = sensornull +totpunkt
 pulsin empf,1,pulse   						'Empfänger lesen
 pulse=pulse*25							'Impuls anpassen
for counter = 1 to filter					'Filterstufe zur Rauschverringerung
readadc10 inkl,ad_wert						'Inklinometer lesen
subtract = adwert_sum/filter					'Filter anwenden
adwert_sum = adwert_sum - subtract
adwert_sum = adwert_sum + ad_wert
ad_wert = adwert_sum/filter
readadc smin,servomin						'Servoendanschläge min lesen
readadc smax,servomax						'Servoendanschläge max lesen
readadc verst,gain						'Verstärkungspoti lesen
gain = gain min 10 max 240					'Wert eingrenzen
select case ad_wert
case cas1 to cas2							'Totpunkt für Ledmitte
high b.3								'wenn ja, dann Led an
else									'sonst 	
low b.3								'aus
if ad_wert < sensornull then
  value = sensornull-ad_wert
  value = ad_wert-sensornull
end if
value = value * gain						'Verstärkung mit einrechnen
value = value / 100 max 50					'Wert anpassen
if ad_wert < sensornull then					'Verknüpfung Sensor mit Empfängersignal
value = pulse-value
value = pulse+value
end if
value=value max servomax min servomin			'Wert begrenzen
servo tiefenr,value						'Wert auf Servo ausgeben	
goto main
BTW, i just can upload only two pictures in one posting. Is that correct?


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BTW, i just can upload only two pictures in one posting. Is that correct?
While I may never need such a project, well done for taking the time to post the code and images for your project.

Yes, there is a limit of two files as attachements per post. What I have sometime done is to create a new composite image strip with two or more images side by side. Then with only two jpeg files you can in fact upload many images in a single post.
See post 44 here:

It would seem that you can embed more than 2 images within a post (as opposed to being attachments - I have just seen a post with 3 embedded images)
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