An almost useless program


Senior Member
Heres a useless little program that I made to make it a bit easier to use the PICAXE chips in Linux :)

It's written in FreeBASIC
dim as integer i, x, y, buttons
dim shared chip as string
dim as string s, usb, fname
dim text(15) as string

declare sub black

screenres 387,300

draw string (18,21), "08"
draw "BM10,11 D26 R1 D1 R1 D1 R26 U1 R1 U1 R1 U26 L1 U1 L1 U1 L26 D1 L1 D1 L1"
draw string (58,21), "08M"
draw "BM50,11 D26 R1 D1 R1 D1 R34 U1 R1 U1 R1 U26 L1 U1 L1 U1 L34 D1 L1 D1 L1"
draw string (106,21), "14M"
draw "BM98,11 D26 R1 D1 R1 D1 R34 U1 R1 U1 R1 U26 L1 U1 L1 U1 L34 D1 L1 D1 L1"
draw string (154,21), "18"
draw "BM146,11 D26 R1 D1 R1 D1 R26 U1 R1 U1 R1 U26 L1 U1 L1 U1 L26 D1 L1 D1 L1"
draw string (194,21), "18A"
draw "BM186,11 D26 R1 D1 R1 D1 R34 U1 R1 U1 R1 U26 L1 U1 L1 U1 L34 D1 L1 D1 L1"
draw string (242,21), "18X"
draw "BM234,11 D26 R1 D1 R1 D1 R34 U1 R1 U1 R1 U26 L1 U1 L1 U1 L34 D1 L1 D1 L1"
draw string (290,21), "18X1"
draw "BM282,11 D26 R1 D1 R1 D1 R42 U1 R1 U1 R1 U26 L1 U1 L1 U1 L42 D1 L1 D1 L1"
draw string (346,21), "20M"
draw "BM338,11 D26 R1 D1 R1 D1 R34 U1 R1 U1 R1 U26 L1 U1 L1 U1 L34 D1 L1 D1 L1"
draw string (18,62), "28"
draw "BM10,52 D26 R1 D1 R1 D1 R26 U1 R1 U1 R1 U26 L1 U1 L1 U1 L26 D1 L1 D1 L1"
draw string (58,62), "28A"
draw "BM50,52 D26 R1 D1 R1 D1 R34 U1 R1 U1 R1 U26 L1 U1 L1 U1 L34 D1 L1 D1 L1"
draw string (106,62), "28X"
draw "BM98,52 D26 R1 D1 R1 D1 R34 U1 R1 U1 R1 U26 L1 U1 L1 U1 L34 D1 L1 D1 L1"
draw string (154,62), "28X1"
draw "BM146,52 D26 R1 D1 R1 D1 R42 U1 R1 U1 R1 U26 L1 U1 L1 U1 L42 D1 L1 D1 L1"
draw string (210,62), "28X1_0"
draw "BM202,52 D26 R1 D1 R1 D1 R58 U1 R1 U1 R1 U26 L1 U1 L1 U1 L58 D1 L1 D1 L1"
draw string (282,62), "28X_1"
draw "BM274,52 D26 R1 D1 R1 D1 R50 U1 R1 U1 R1 U26 L1 U1 L1 U1 L50 D1 L1 D1 L1"
draw string (346,62), "USB"
draw "BM338,52 D26 R1 D1 R1 D1 R34 U1 R1 U1 R1 U26 L1 U1 L1 U1 L34 D1 L1 D1 L1"
draw string (338,104), "EXIT"
draw "BM330,94 D26 R1 D1 R1 D1 R42 U1 R1 U1 R1 U26 L1 U1 L1 U1 L42 D1 L1 D1 L1"
draw string (258,104), "COMPILE"
draw "BM250,94 D26 R1 D1 R1 D1 R66 U1 R1 U1 R1 U26 L1 U1 L1 U1 L66 D1 L1 D1 L1"
'draw string (18,104), "PROGRAM NAME AND OUTPUT"
draw "BM10,94 D26 R1 D1 R1 D1 R226 U1 R1 U1 R1 U26 L1 U1 L1 U1 L226 D1 L1 D1 L1"

chip = "./picaxe08"
usb = " -c/dev/ttyS0 "

do while inkey$ = ""

	do while buttons < 1
		getmouse (x, y, , buttons)
		s = inkey$
		if s = chr(255) & "k" then end
		if s = chr(27) then end
		sleep 10
	if x > 10 and x < 40 and y > 11 and y < 41 then
		draw "BM12,13 P8, 15"
		chip = "./picaxe08"
	elseif x > 50 and x < 88 and y > 11 and y < 41 then
		draw "BM52,13 P8, 15"
		chip = "./picaxe08m"
	elseif x > 98 and x < 136 and y > 11 and y < 41 then
		draw "BM100,13 P8, 15"
		chip = "./picaxe14m"
	elseif x > 146 and x < 176 and y > 11 and y < 41 then
		draw "BM148,13 P8, 15"
		chip = "./picaxe18"
	elseif x > 186 and x < 224 and y > 11 and y < 41 then
		draw "BM188,13 P8, 15"
		chip = "./picaxe18a"
	elseif x > 234 and x < 272 and y > 11 and y < 41 then
		draw "BM236,13 P8, 15"
		chip = "./picaxe18x"
	elseif x > 282 and x < 328 and y > 11 and y < 41 then
		draw "BM284,13 P8, 15"
		chip = "./picaxe18x_1"
	elseif x > 338 and x < 376 and y > 11 and y < 41 then
		draw "BM340,13 P8, 15"
		chip = "./picaxe20m"
	elseif x > 10 and x < 40 and y > 52 and y < 82 then
		draw "BM12,54 P8, 15"
		chip = "./picaxe28"
	elseif x > 50 and x < 88 and y > 52 and y < 82 then
		draw "BM52,54 P8, 15"
		chip = "./picaxe28a"
	elseif x > 98 and x < 136 and y > 52 and y < 82 then
		draw "BM100,54 P8, 15"
		chip = "./picaxe28x"
	elseif x > 146 and x < 192 and y > 52 and y < 82 then
		draw "BM148,54 P8, 15"
		chip = "./picaxe28x1"
	elseif x > 202 and x < 264 and y > 52 and y < 82 then
		draw "BM204,54 P8, 15"
		chip = "./picaxe28x1_0"
	elseif x > 274 and x < 328 and y > 52 and y < 82 then
		draw "BM276,54 P8, 15"
		chip = "./picaxe28x_1"
	elseif x > 338 and x < 376 and y > 52 and y < 82 then
		if usb = " -c/dev/ttyS0 " then
			draw "BM340,54 P8, 15"
			usb = " "
		elseif usb = " " then
			draw "BM340,54 P0, 15"
			usb = " -c/dev/ttyS0 "
		end if
	elseif x > 330 and x < 376 and y > 94 and y < 124 then
	elseif x > 250 and x < 320 and y > 94 and y < 124 then
		locate 17, 1
		for i = 1 to 15
			print "                                               "
		next i
		locate 1, 20
		print "Wait..."
		open pipe "cd ~; cd Documents/PICAXE; sudo " & chip & usb & fname for input as #1
		for i = 1 to 15
			line input #1, text(i)
		next i
		locate 17, 1
		for i = 1 to 15
			if text(i) > "" then
				print text(i)
			end if
		next i
		close #1
		locate 1, 20
		print "       "
	elseif x > 10 and x < 208 and y > 94 and y < 124 then
		locate 14, 3
		print "                            "
		locate 14, 3
		input "", fname
	end if

    getmouse (x, y, , buttons)
    do while x > 1 and buttons > 0
    	getmouse (x, y, , buttons)
    	sleep 10

Sub black()
	chip = ""
	draw "BM12,13 P0, 15"
	draw "BM52,13 P0, 15"
	draw "BM100,13 P0, 15"
	draw "BM148,13 P0, 15"
	draw "BM188,13 P0, 15"
	draw "BM236,13 P0, 15"
	draw "BM284,13 P0, 15"
	draw "BM340,13 P0, 15"
	draw "BM12,54 P0, 15"
	draw "BM52,54 P0, 15"
	draw "BM100,54 P0, 15"
	draw "BM148,54 P0, 15"
	draw "BM204,54 P0, 15"
	draw "BM276,54 P0, 15"
End Sub
Last edited:


Senior Member
Heres the program if anyone wants to try it :)
You can run it from any directory but the .bas file and the compilers have to be in: Documents/PICAXE


Senior Member
I think I first started with QBasic then got into PICAXE then FreeBASIC.
It's pretty close to the same thing.

I made a .bi library file for FreeBASIC to make using the parallel port like a PICAXE.
So for I've made functions for:
pin0 - pin4
high 0 - high 11
low 0 - low 11
toggle 0 - toggle 11
pulsout 0 - pulsout 11
And some functions for 8 bit parallel LCDs:
lcdchr "string"
lcdins instruction

#define pins out 888,

sub pinsc(pin as integer)
	select case pin
		case 0
			out 890, &b1011		'1011
		case 1
			out 890, &b1010		'1011
		case 2
			out 890, &b1001		'1011
		case 3
			out 890, &b1000		'1011
		case 4
			out 890, &b1111		'1011
		case 5
			out 890, &b1110		'1011
		case 6
			out 890, &b1101		'1011
		case 7
			out 890, &b1100		'1011
		case 8
			out 890, &b0011		'1011
		case 9
			out 890, &b0010		'1011
		case 10
			out 890, &b0001		'1011
		case 11
			out 890, &b0000		'1011
		case 12
			out 890, &b0111		'1011
		case 13
			out 890, &b0110		'1011
		case 14
			out 890, &b0101		'1011
		case 15
			out 890, &b0100		'1011
	end select
end sub

function pin0() as integer
	if inp(889) and 8 then
		return 1
		return 0
	end if
end function

function pin1() as integer
	if inp(889) and 16 then
		return 1
		return 0
	end if
end function

function pin2() as integer
	if inp(889) and 32 then
		return 1
		return 0
	end if
end function

function pin3() as integer
	if inp(889) and 64 then
		return 1
		return 0
	end if
end function

function pin4() as integer
	if inp(889) and 128 then
		return 0
		return 1
	end if
end function

sub high(pin as integer)
	dim as integer i
	if pin < 8 then
		i = bitset(0, pin)
		if not inp(888) and i then
			out 888, inp(888) + i
		end if
	elseif pin = 8 or pin = 9 or pin = 11 then
		pin = pin - 8
		i = bitset(0, pin)
		if inp(890) and i then
			out 890, inp(890) - i
		end if
	elseif pin = 10 then
		pin = pin - 8
		i = bitset(0, pin)
		if not inp(890) and i then
			out 890, inp(890) + i
		end if
	end if
 end sub

sub low(pin as integer)
	dim as integer i
	if pin < 8 then
		i = bitset(0, pin)
		if inp(888) and i then
			out 888, inp(888) - i
		end if
    elseif pin = 8 or pin = 9 or pin = 11 then
		pin = pin - 8
		i = bitset(0, pin)
		if not inp(890) and i then
			out 890, inp(890) + i
		end if
	elseif pin = 10 then
		pin = pin - 8
		i = bitset(0, pin)
		if inp(890) and i then
			out 890, inp(890) - i
		end if
	end if
end sub

sub toggle(pin as integer)
	dim as integer i
	if pin < 8 then
		i = bitset(0, pin)
		if inp(888) and i then
			out 888, inp(888) - i
		elseif not inp(888) and i then
			out 888, inp(888) + i
		end if
	elseif pin > 7 and pin < 12 then
		pin = pin - 8
		i = bitset(0, pin)
		if inp(890) and i then
			out 890, inp(890) - i
		elseif not inp(890) and i then
			out 890, inp(890) + i
		end if
    end if
end sub

sub pulsout(pin as integer, tm as integer)
	toggle pin
	sleep tm, 1
	toggle pin
	sleep tm, 1
 end sub

sub lcdchr(s as string)
	dim as integer i
	for i = 1 to len(s)
		high 9
		pins asc(mid(s, i, 1))
		pulsout 8, 1
	next i
end sub

sub lcdins(d as integer)
	low 9
	pins d
	pulsout 8, 1
end sub

sub lcdinit()
	pins 0
	out 890, 11
	sleep 300
	pins 56
	pulsout 8, 1
	sleep 50
	pulsout 8, 1
	pulsout 8, 1
	pins 128
	pulsout 8, 1
	pins 14
	pulsout 8, 1
end sub


I've downloaded FreeBASIC and it's confusing......
Opened the programme and it just gives me a DOS prompt...:confused: