advice on how to make my A2 project?


New Member
hi everybody,

so basically for my a2 project, i'm designing a small, portable guitar practice tool
which basically consists of 4 frets, with strings that you can strum and pluck.
i want it to be able to mimic the way a real guitar works, ie. the note that is played when the string is plucked is relative to what's happening on the neck.

i want the project to be completely systems based, because it eliminates the need for tuning.

heres a simple diagram:

do any of you have any suggestions or ideas as to how i could go about designing the systems for this idea? or recommend me specific picaxe components that might be suitabe? i realise i haven't articulated it very well, it's hard to explain in words, so please ask questions if i've lost you!


Senior Member
Think about the 'touch' inputs and how they might detect string work or fret work. You might need a bunch of Picaxes but they are inexpensive. A 40x2 has 27 touch inputs. I don't know if they can be calibrated for pressure/contact strength but if they can that would help, to provide some 'feel'.


Senior Member
To clarify, are you trying to make a device that does all of this:
  • detects which buttons on the neck you're pressing
  • detects which strings are being plucked
  • detects how hard the strings are being plucked
  • outputs sound depending on all of the above
Have you tried using the sound capabilities of the PICAXE? You'll find that a PICAXE can only do monophonic sound. However, a way that it could be done is to have a separate PICAXE for each string and they all output sound. The top-of-the-range 28X2 and 40X2 shouldn't be needed - any given PICAXE just needs to produce a short bit of sound, check the status of the inputs, then immediately produce another bit of sound or just produce silence.

Process per PICAXE:
  • detects what strings are being plucked and how hard
  • reads the buttons (touch sensors on M2/X2s a possibility)
  • does calculations
  • outputs approx 20-50ms of sound
  • does all of this again


Senior Member
If you have some sort of midi output device it might be best to send midi data to that and then you could have 'real' polyphonic output that actually sounded like a guitar. Picaxe-synthesized guitar will sound like exactly that I think.