Adding Eprom


Senior Member
Is ti possible to add additional memory to store LCD messages using Logicator? All the examples I have read about don't state this is possible? I realize it might have to be done in the basic panel... but can anyone suggest any info to make this a little more clear? I have a Picaxe project board that includes a 24x16B eprom. I just cant get it to work.


Senior Member
The BASIC cells are required. You could try this:
i2cslave %10100000,i2cfast,i2cbyte	'Configure i2c pins
serout pin,N2400,(254,128)		'Replace 128 with 192 for line 2 instead
varA = varC + 15				'variable C is a multiple of 16 used to set the start address
for varA = varC to varA			'Loop 16 times
	readi2c varC,(varB)		'Read from the EEPROM
	serout pin,N2400,(varB)		'Write to the LCD
next varA
which will use variables A, B and C of Logicator. Replace 'pin' with the pin number on which you have attached the serial LCD (which I'm assuming you're using, since it's Logicator).

The message you want is chosen with a multiple of 16 (0,16,32,48...) and running a BASIC cell should get the text from the EEPROM displayed on a specified line of the LCD.