74HC595 replacement?


New Member
Firstly thanks to replies regarding "scaling ADC",
problem solved and all working OK.
Most circuits that I come across involving 7seg leds seem
to involve common cathode type.
I have alot of common anode type.
Is there a "driver" chip similar to 7HC595 that I could use with common
anode that is as easy to use. i.e. picaxe + "driver" + 7seg.


Ex-Staff (retired)
Can't you just use the 74HC595 and software invert the data sent to it ? There's probably a variant which includes inversion; Google would be my first port of call or an HC-device shortform catalogue.

Andrew Cowan

Senior Member
Manual 2 talks about bitwise commands, eg NOR, NAND etc.

While it doesn't have NOT< it may be possible to make it out of other commands.

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Ex-Staff (retired)
The description of the NOT operator seems to have escaped the manual but is accepted by the compilers -

b1 = NOT b0

The same can be achieved by Exclusive OR'ing with all bits set ...

b1 = b0 ^ $FF


Which pICAXE chip do you have?

If an X1 or X2 parts, then look at the INV command. Manual 2 page 23-24
you can invert all 8 bits in a byte variable in one step.

The outputs are rated +/135mA so can equally sink or source current
(from ST Microelectronics datasheet)