28x2 problem (or not)


New Member
Hi, I recently built four AXE401s that I had, along with some 28x2s that I got a few weeks ago.
It's so long since I built any of the AXE401 boards, that I can't remember if the led is supposed to flash. They all announce themselves in the terminal.
Could you please refresh my memory?
Thanks John

If the PICaxe "announces itself" then it's new and hasn't been programmed yet. The Data Sheet (page 12) seems to indicate that you should set some links and download the following program:
#picaxe  28x2
  high  S.13
  pause  1000
  low  S.13
  pause  1000
Cheers, Alan.
Hi Alan, yes, the more I try and remember..... All the ones I built years ago, must have had that program put into them. Thanks for the reply though. Regards john