28X1 Serial not accurate with internal resonator


Senior Member
I'm not complaining, and I know it the manual warns you about the inaccuracies of the internal resonator, but I have never found this in practice until now.

I have been trying for about 3 days to get hserin working on a 28x1 at 9600 baud. I tried generating serial using a picaxe 08M, picaxe 18x (at 8MHz) and also my laptop, with and without a MAX233 chip.

When it didn't work I tried serin, still no joy. Then I tried serxd and THAT worked (for some reason) with both the 08M and the laptop.

Then I tried serin at 4800 baud and it worked OK. Hmmmmm...

This is when I tried an external 16MHz resonator and it worked! With the 08M, laptop, and with hserin as well.

I have made heaps of serial based projects using the 08M, 18X and 40X and never had a serial problem at 9k6 before. I can only assume that the internal resonator needs tweaking, but I am not really game to do this as I am home on holidays without my work test gear.

I wonder why serrxd worked OK but the other serial commands wouldn't?