18 pin Project Board


New Member
I have used the CHI030 board and am very impressed with it.

I have 3 observations,

1: no fixing holes to hold the board in place. having to use double sided tape.

2: suggest the area around R9 be redesigned to allow insertion of a 7805 regulator instead of R9.

3. facility to drop a preset pot directly onto the pcb for an adc into inp 0/1

I have a board powered via 12vdc @300ma with the 5v (no heatsink) regulator instead of R9. Works okay so far.



concur about some of the Rev Ed baord not having adequate fixing holes.

The AXE022 is well equipped for permanent mounting.
The AXE31 (SD21) also seemingly has good provision for mounting

The AXE021 has extremely small holes - really only suitable for N-scale railway track pins at 0.5mm diameter,

and the AXE020 and, as you say,the CHI030 have no mounting provision whatsoever
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