08m2 motherboard


While browsing around looking for answers to some of my concerns I encountered a bit of hardware it was described as the 08M2 Motherboard module and it immidiately peaked my intrest somewhatI Understand it as being a platform upon which a project can be constructed. That is to say you stick in the microcontroller programm it to do the necessayies without having to go through the hassle of building a PCB. I would very much like to know if my understanding is correct and if it is wether the board is available for purchase ,it would be greatly appriciated.
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It would be good to give a link to the "08M2 Motherboard" that you came across.

For example in the Circuit Creator area Rev Ed have this:

The AXE021 board available in the link SAborn has given above is more adaptable with a small proto area to build up a small project upon.
Better for a build it once project rather than keep changing as the traces would eventually fail.
For flexability use of a breadboard (get an AXE091 if you can afford same) allows circuits to be build, modified and pulled down.

In the past, I have cut most of the proto area away from an AXE021 and added some header pins allowing quick connection into a breadboard for quick circuit trials.