Is the 08M considered an 'X part' for the purpose of serial speeds? It does have the SERTXD at 4800 baud, like only an X part does. The documentation for SERIN and SEROUT suggest that the X parts have the 600/1200/2400/4800 baud speeds, and non-X parts have the 300/600/1200/2400 baud speeds instead. But it doesn't specifically say which speeds apply to an 'M part'.
What is the set of available speeds on the 08M? I've only used the 28X to date with the 4800 SERIN and SERTXD. I want to be able to use an 08M and a 28X together in a project, and thus have to work with a baud rate they both can do. I'd like to use SERTXD on the 28X to conserve output pin count, but that fixes the project at 4800 baud... which is no good if the 08M can't do 4800 SERIN.
What is the set of available speeds on the 08M? I've only used the 28X to date with the 4800 SERIN and SERTXD. I want to be able to use an 08M and a 28X together in a project, and thus have to work with a baud rate they both can do. I'd like to use SERTXD on the 28X to conserve output pin count, but that fixes the project at 4800 baud... which is no good if the 08M can't do 4800 SERIN.