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  1. J

    reading a bit

    sorry for posting this if it has been posted before, but I've been struggling with how to read a specific bit of a variable, i.e., x = b0,4 where x is my control, b0 is the byte, and 4 is the bit. Any simple ideas?
  2. J

    USB to Serial Converter

    hey to all . . . I can't seem to get a PL-230 to work with Windows 7. Same device works fine with XP, tried different ports, nothing. Any clues? Thanks, John.
  3. J

    Analog in

    Hi to all . . . I'm messing around with the analog input on the PICAXE-08. I have a 10k pot +5-W-0, and tied the wiper to the input. Then I'm multiplying the sample by a value, and blinking an LED using the value to pause the blink. I'm not getting consistent pause rates. The VDC on the...