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  1. S

    Stability driving servos

    Agree, but those fairly simple SG90 servos have their issues. I have ordered a mosfet to try delaying servopower, and will also add caps on power supply lines. Incidentally I already have an Arduino board, controlling 4 servos, and that works just about the same way. So, will see what can be...
  2. S

    Stability driving servos

    Thank you, I have ordered a MOSFet to test delaying servopower. /Peter
  3. S

    Stability driving servos

    Thanks, Makes perfectly sense, when you think a little beyond the breadboard. Should be easy too to add a mosfet or relay and code for it a little bit down the program. Will definitely try this, and noise suppression. /Peter
  4. S

    Stability driving servos

    With a username like mine I probably should not even mention servo stability, but here's a question; I want to control a servo for a model railroad turnout, and would like to hear what you do, there should be a number of such applications in use. I know servos produce noise, and need decoupling...
  5. S

    Another "no hardware found"

    Fantastic, doing it right it worked promptly ! Just so I get it right, this is due to an old program present ? I thought the chip should automatically handle a new load..... Anyway, many thanks for the fast solution. Now for actual testing of servos.... Regards Peter
  6. S

    Another "no hardware found"

    Thanks, very prompt anser, appreciate that., Downloading drivers resulted in "com2"' , and that''s what I'm using. A little bit unsure about the hard reset routine; I started up my pc, connected axe027:s usb, then started Picaxe. Clicked on "program..." and after a few seconds...
  7. S

    Another "no hardware found"

    Hi all, I am getting back to the Picaxe world after a few years, with the idea to control servos on my railroad. But, I can not program any chips. I already had a AXE027 cable, and chips, and the programming setup is fairly simple; should work, but now I suspect some simple error on my hand. I...