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  1. D

    Picaxe Store login page broken?

    I see there is a new picaxe store website. I have been trying to sign in for days to make an order but... The login page will not recognise my password (It is stored in google) And the "Forgot your password" won't send me a reset password email I am confident I have the correct email address...
  2. D

    Picaxe Blockly not changing to code mode

    Has anyone else been experiencing this phenomenon or have any suggestions? When I try to open picaxe blockly into code mode, Blockly freezes with the switch to code mode button highlighted. I am using a range of different brand chromebooks. Powerwashing or reinstalling blockly does not fix this.
  3. D

    Scratch 3.0 to Picaxe update?

    Will Scratch to picaxe helper APP be updated for Scratch 3.0...?
  4. D

    Blockly Chromebook App blank screen

    Blockly App for chromebook is intermittently showing a blank screen when opened. This has happened a number of times for me and also for a colleague. Uninstalling and reopening makes no difference Any help appreciated
  5. D

    08M2 in AXEpad for PowerPC

    Noob Can I use an 08M2 chip in macAXEpad on PowerPC It doesn't seem to be listed as an available chip Is there a workaround? Cheers