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  1. B

    Winstar OLED display control-code chart

    The manual for the Winstar WS0010 chip used in their OLED displays gives a comprehensive chart (on page 24) of what all the command-codes do, but I found it difficult to interpret quickly on the fly, so made up an Excel spreadsheet briefly explaining what each code did, and listing (what I...
  2. B

    Unable to attached Excel spreadsheets to post :-(

    I have created a simple Excel spreadsheet to show the commands available for the 20x4 OLED display. Yes, that COULD be done in plain text, but by using Excel it is pretty, and tabulated. But "the system" wouldn't allow me to add that as an attachment to a post, as it wasn't a recognised...
  3. B

    Slowness of AXE134Y driving OLED display

    I am rather late to the party, only just having joined the PICAXE camp, and I see there are posts about the 20x4 OLED display going back years. I have just bought one to go with my project kit, and have been learning about it by feeding it from my PC laptop. I was disappointed that the input...
  4. B

    Printed manual

    As a complete newbie with the PICAXE (but many years under my belt!), I would really like printed copies of the manuals. I've asked, but they say there is little demand, so no business case :-( I'm sure I can't be alone in preferring a (lay-flat, ring-bound) paper manual that I can...