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  1. M

    Odd RS232-USB (CH340) Connection Behaviour

    That's very neat compared to the palaver of using Hyperterminal.... thanks very much!
  2. M

    Odd RS232-USB (CH340) Connection Behaviour

    I should have made it clear that the DB9 connector in the photos is the serial end of a CH340 RS232-USB adaptor cable as I don't have a serial port on this laptop (the laptop that does have one appears to be malfunctioning as the loop-back test does not work and scoping the TX pin shows nothing...
  3. M

    Odd RS232-USB (CH340) Connection Behaviour

    Hi, I have tried the loop-back test and with pins 2 & 3 connected nothing happens when I type at the keyboard. However, with pins 3 & 4 connected... ... the chars appear. WT flippin'-heck F? ...or am I being dim? MW
  4. M

    Odd RS232-USB (CH340) Connection Behaviour

    A-ha! Now you mention it, I remember reading about this decades ago when serial ports were much more mainstream. I'll give it a go, thanks. MW
  5. M

    Odd RS232-USB (CH340) Connection Behaviour

    Yes, your thoughts are similar to mine but I'll post a photo if I'm still having issues when I next have a tinker...
  6. M

    Odd RS232-USB (CH340) Connection Behaviour

    I wish it were that simple - double checked it and defo pin 5 (gnd) and 4 (Rx'ing)... but at least you have made me revisit the PICAXE website and confirmed that my laptop (with serial port) should work with the PIC directly... and it isn't at the moment! I'll have another go.
  7. M

    Odd RS232-USB (CH340) Connection Behaviour

    Sorry but I don't have the 'proper' PICAXE DB9 cable - I'm just connecting the PIC output to the CH340 DB9 (female) via a male DB9 soldered to a bit of 2 core shielded cable and stereo jack...
  8. M

    Odd RS232-USB (CH340) Connection Behaviour

    Hi, I hope someone can help with this... I have an old PICAXE-based project that I resurrected to try to test the serial port on an old laptop that I want to use for some legacy work (connecting to the digital inverter on a 2007 electric Ford Transit conversion). First I confirmed the PICAXE...
  9. M

    DS18B20 Temperature Jumping about by 1 Degree C

    Hi, I have 5 DS18B20s connected to a PIC 16F886 which outputs signed degree C readings to a VB6 program via an RS232/USB connection. Has anyone any idea why my DS18B20s are producing readings that, in a steady-state environment, keep randomly going up and down by one degree. I don't think it...