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  1. A

    readadc10 troubles!

    hello, I have been using the readacd command in my programme and it works fine for the 4V-12V inputs i was using it for. However, a new input that i need to be measured by my chip is only 0.35V and readacd cant detect this voltage. I have been advised to use readacd10 to get the resolution i...
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    PICAXE and OLED screen communication

    Hi all, I am currently using an 18M2 chip to control the lighting of three different LEDS based on three different inputs and the chip sends out text to an OLED screen, I am also using an 08M2 chip as a timer. I am trying to connect the two PICAXEs using serin/out commands so that the OLED...
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    OLED Screen

    Hi, Is there a code that will allow me to display text on a 16x2 OLED screen, but make it so it stays in the middle of the top line rather than scrolling through. This is the code I'm using at the moment: main: if pinc.0 = 0 then goto reda ; move to reda to turn red light on when the current...
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    Solenoid Door Opener [Newbie]

    All, I am working on a project where I have adapted shelving bins by covering the top permanently with acrylic and making an acrylic door which is attached to the top by two open sprung hinges. The door is held closed by a magnetic catch. A push solenoid is then energised to push the door off...