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  1. P

    PWM to selectable output

    Looking for some pointers on how to implement this idea using an 08m2: I would like to be able to send the output of the PWM pin to a specific source based on two input pins. Two switches would determine which output to select (the output is physically one of two darlington transistors). I'm...
  2. P

    Interface ideas?

    I am somewhat new to hands-on electronics and am looking for some advice/ideas. I am trying to figure out how to interface from a coil (on a pinball machine. high voltage:20-50v) to an input on a picaxe. I'm assuming this would require a simple transistor switching circuit that would protect...
  3. P

    Output ok, input not on 08M2

    I (am new to Picaxe) was working with the 08m2 and had no problems building/testing example circuits triggering output pins on the 08m2. When I tried example input circuits, I could not get any of the input pins to register correctly. I used the following program: input c.3 main: sertxd ("input...
  4. P

    Picaxe output pin to simulate momentary switch

    I have a EL wire inverter with is "normally" powered by two-AA batteries (3v), but works perfectly well with a 5v power source (only the wire glows slightly brighter). There is a momentary switch on the inverter to switch modes as follows: power on: inverter OFF press once: inverter ON -...
  5. P

    08m2 input test (simple newb question)

    I am trying to test the picaxe 08m2 using input pins. Here is my program: input c.3 main: sertxd ("input value ", #pinc.3, cr, lf) goto main I also tried a couple of the other pins as well, all with the same results. I download the program and bring up the terminal window. I have a...
  6. P

    Another readadc on 08m2 question

    I am using on 08m2 (bear with me as I am new to this) with a simple voltage divider circuit. One side is a 25K pot and the other side is a fixed 10K resistor. In between the two I have connected C.2. My code is as follows: main: readadc C.2,b0 sertxd("Variable b0 = ",#b0,13,10) pause 200...