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  1. S

    Question about AXE026 serial cable

    Hi all, So I am using AXE026 cable for a while to program my PICAXE chips. But I have a technical question. As far as I know, PC's serial port are working on +/- 15 volts (Correct me if I am wrong please). So does this cable comes with a converter built in to it that reduces this voltage? I...
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    Powering PICAXE 20X2 with a single AA battery

    Hi all, I am almost finished with a 20X2 project and I want to put it in a box :P I want it to be mobile, very light and I am thinking of powering it up with a single AA battery. I have calculated the max current I will need for this application is about 200mA (Basicly some LED's...
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    Decoding "sertxd" and "serin" on a scope.

    Hi all, At the moment I am working with a simple ADC using a pot and transfering the result to a PC. I am using normal download ciruit and I am able to receive ASCII numbers on the terminal. The settings are 9600/None/8/1. Now I am trying to capture the waveform in my scope. I captured...
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    Am I doing a right accuracy test?

    Hi all, Today I had a chance to use a friend's scope to test something. I programmed 20X2 with the simple program below and then tested the result using the scope: main: high 1 pause 1 low 1 pause 1 goto main And here is the result from the scope (it is a 50MHz digital scope - so I guess...
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    unstable ADC values sent to serial - 20X2

    Hi all, I have a 10k pot (Also tried with 470k pot). I use the following command to send the value which is stored in b1 : let adcsetup = %0000000100000000 let dirsc = %00001100 main: readadc c.1,b1 sertxd (#b1, CR) goto main Now the problem is I receive something like this (In this case I...
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    Connecting a button to PICAXE 20X2

    Hi all, How can I connect a micro button to 20X2 as an input? The button has 4 legs and I have a regulated 3V as supply to the chip and some LED's. Thanks.
  7. S

    Picaxe 20x2 Adc

    Picaxe 20x2 ADC - 0 to 8 LED's with a POT Hi all, I have 20x2 with 8 LED's on my bread board. I also have some potentiometers (10K, 100k and 470K). First question is which potentiometer to use (Or the value is not important?) Then I want to do something like potentiometer at it lowest...
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    Serial download cable - wire colors?

    Hi all, I lost the stereo jack for download cable so I had to cut the cable itself to solder them into my PCB. There are 3 wires in there colored Black, Red and Pink (creamy). I wonder if somone knows which wires are GND, Receive and Transmit? Thanks.
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    how to check for a string in SELECT command

    Hi all, I am trying to simulate a program, but it always pop ups for a syntax error in the following line : case ("restart") sertxd("Reseting the program!") b1 = 0 goto main How to write case ("restart") ? this is the full program if it helps answering...
  10. S

    How to check if an output is already high or low

    Hi all, I am working on a small project with 20X2. Is there a way to check if an output is already high or low? before actually changing it? for example I need a logic like this if B.0 is high then sertxd("is already high") else high B.0 Note that I do not want to use TOGGLE, in my...
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    serin PICAXE 20X2

    Hi, I want to make a communication between my PC and 20X2. For this, I have connected the Serial In pin (which is already connected to the programming cable and works fine) to pin C.7 (is this ok?) What I am looking for is using a terminal window send the word 'go' to the chip and if chip...
  12. S

    ADC on PICAXE 20X2

    Hi all, Can someone please point me to a quick ADC setup on 20X2? I have 6 LED's that are connected to pins 0 to 5 as output. I had a lot of fun making some LED dance moves once I manage to get the chip to work. Now what I want to do is connect a 10k potentiometer that I have to board and...
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    Using programming cabel for hserin

    Hi all, I am trying a project using with pixaxe 20X2 and it requires sending data through rs232 into hserin pin of the cheap. I have the stereo jacked! rs232 cable so I want to know if I can use it also for sending data to hserin pin of the chip without unpluging it from the socket. is this...
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    My first PICAXE just arrived

    Hi All, Finally my first PICAXE chip is in house now :D I had some questions before I get started expirimenting! 1) On the chip is written 'PIC18F14K22' is this 'PICAXE 20X2' ??? 2) Since I just ordered two chips and one serial download cable, Where can I get softwares to get started with...
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    PICAXE for controling relays via RS232

    Hello everyone, It is my first post here and I hope I can learn a lot from you. I got to know about PICAXE from a friend and he told me it is easy to use and more cost effective than other microcontrollers. I am working on a self project. What I need to do is control (enable, disable) a number...