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  1. U

    Interfacing LDR and Potentiometer

    I am having problems in iterfacing with a LDR and a potentiometer with 20X2 chip. I am connecting a LDR to pin c.7 and a potentiometer to b.1 I want to build a logic to compare values of LDR and potentiometer and when LDR > pot I want to trigger a action. I read that X2 chips require adcsetup...
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    Soldering woes

    I am not sure if this topic can form a part of discussion of this forum. But I am sure some of you would have faced similar problems. I share this here my experinece and look for any solution. I have been used to soldering on and off for last 20 years, but recently I have gone into this problem...
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    About AXE033

    Is it necessary to buy FRM010 / firmwire chip along with AXE033 to work with any PICAXE. I want to connect AXE033 with 20X2 and also 28X2. Thanks in adavance.
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    Programming guidance

    I am a new bee. I am working on my personal project using PICAXE 20X2. This is the first time I am ever exposed any kind of coding of microcontroller. After reading the manual I felt it is easy for me to program picaxe. Hence I am here. My initial hick up was to make my computer connect to the...
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    Picaxe 20X2 download problem

    Hi, I am a new bee. I have just beginning to learn and got stuck in the first place. This first time I am trying to assemble and program a micro controller. My project is for a high speed photography device. My lap top is Vista and does not have a serial port. I bought a 20X2 picaxe chip and...