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  1. 3

    SPE035 Serial Audio Module

    Hi Hippy, thanks. The speaker connected to the DAC output was only temporary to test, the device is connected to a seperate amplifier at the mo. It's not a show stopper, I just wondered if I had a damaged board. Here is my intended schematic. Cheers Buns.
  2. 3

    Simulated Flame Confusions...

    Hi, I had some 6v MBC bulbs in the box, the closest I could find as an example is the MES here at Maplin, Order code WL79L is the closest to what I had. The transistor is also one I had spare and was perfect rated at 1A, driven into saturation by...
  3. 3

    PWMOUT Headscratch

    Hi, long time reader, first time poster. I'm using a PICAXE08M as a soft start for a DC lamp, code below. I am having a curious problem at the end of the timing cycle, when the second ramp finishes the PWM output go low briefly, long enough to cause a definate dark flash. I have found if I...