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  1. D

    Comunication I2C between 20X2

    Hi everyone, I have one question about how to program master and slave device to work with i2c protocol. My sistem use one master device and a certain number of slave devices. The objective of the slave devices is store a data and send it to the master when it demands. To store this data, I'm...
  2. D

    Master hi2c, slave i2c

    hello, I need to write and read an e2prom 24c08 working with i2c protocol. I use the PICAXE 20x2 I've been working with the hi2c . Are they compatible the two protocols?. How should I do?. What instructions I have to use?. How should connect the E2PROM 24c08? Thanks
  3. D

    convert from decimal to binary

    Hi I am practicing with PICAXE - 20 and would need to know how do I convert decimal data stored to binary data. (Sorry but my English is not very good) Best regards