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    IR receiver connected to 2 picaxe

    I'm a bit of a beginner in the very early stages of planning a project, just wondered if I would have any issues connecting 1 IR receiver to the input of 2 seperate PICAXE ic's? Thanks
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    Fan speed controller

    Hi, I am trying to create a system that will monitor temperature and adjust the speed of a fan accordingly. The fan I will be using is 12V, 6A dc. I know how to monitor the temperature thats made easy with the use of the DS18b20 and readtemp but I am unsure exactly how to control the speed of...
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    Snooker scoreboard with IR transmitter

    I am trying to design and make an electronic snooker scoreboard with an IR hand-held transmitter. There will be the main scoreboard unit on the wall, each players score will be displayed on 2 sets of 3 seven segment displays. There will then be a small hand-held unit with a keypad. Each time a...
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    SRF05 circuit and code

    Just made a small circuit to interface an SRF05 using an 08M. The idea is that the program reads the length of the output pulse from the sensor (which will be between 100uS and 30mS). This is then compared to a value from "readadc", the voltage is controlled by a variable resistor placed across...
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    Snooker table light meter

    Hi, I', pretty new to picaxe and have been playing around with a few ideas to try get familliar with them. This is a project that I would like to actually produce though. It's to control the light on a snooker table. The input will be from a simple coin mechanism that takes 20p's. There is a...
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    Controlling more than 8 servo's

    Hi, I am new to picaxe. I would like to control 12+ servos using a 28x2. I have read that the servopos command can only be used on port b (only 8 outputs). Is there a way to control more than this?