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  1. J

    Two motors - one Picaxe

    Please can you help? I want to run two stepper motors both at the same time in the same direction with the same number of steps. In other words one motor to be a repeater of the main motor. Is it possible to run two motors in parallel off one L293 driver? If not, is it possible to have two L293...
  2. J

    Stepper motor pulses

    The traces are taken direct from the Pcaxe pins C.4 to C.7. The Picaxe is running at 4MHz. As a matter of interest attached is a trace taken off two output pins of the L293
  3. J

    Stepper motor pulses

    I get this!
  4. J

    Stepper motor pulses

    Hi! Been playing around with my new “Santa scope” pretty good I think for the money! Anyway – the attached screen shot is a trace of the output pulse from two of the four pins driving a stepper motor, (via a L293D), from a 28X2, pins C.5 and C.7. Would you expect to see double pulses on pin C.7...
  5. J

    Keypad to display

    Hi! again Going a stage further I’ve written the code for controlling the stepper motor, outputting on pins C.4 to C.7, however I only get a ‘buzzing’ on the motor and no stepping when I input a number on the keypad. The buzzing is not continuous and seems to equal the step count. Let me...
  6. J

    Keypad to display

    Attached is a bit of code I’m having a problem getting to run. In actual fact its two bits of code put together. The first bit is scanning a keypad for the number entered and the second bit outputs that number to a seven segment display. (This is just part of a project I’m working on but I need...
  7. J

    Bipolar Stepper, manual 3 query

    Hi! Zor I know just how you feel; when I first started getting involved with PICAXE and bipolar motors I found the manual more confusing than watching an episode of “Soap”! But stick with it, the manuals are an invaluable source of knowledge, well at least they are once you have mastered “Picaxe...
  8. J

    Controlling a stepper motor

    Hi! Can someone help me or at least point me in the right direction. Attached is a simple bit of code that I use to drive a stepper motor either clockwise or anticlockwise for a given number of steeps as determined by the sub routines ‘rotater’ and ‘rotatel’ which in itself works OK. But what if...
  9. J

    Help with a gosub problem

    Hi! Picked up on an interesting thread in user projects the other day “Connecting a Picaxe 28 X2 to a DCC decoder” and thought this could be interesting if I could make it work. Probably a bit above my ability level at the moment, but what the hec. I’ve used a 28x1 in place of an x2 and a 7...
  10. J

    Picaxe 28x1 and a bipolar stepper motor

    Hello again! Flush with the success form my first posting I have another query I’d appreciate some advice on. Again it involves a Picaxe 28x1 this time in conjunction with a L293D motor driver to control a bipolar stepper motor. The ultimate aim is to drive a turntable on my model railway. I...
  11. J

    Picaxe28x1 and a seven segment display

    Hello! I only joined the other day so this is my first posting, in fact it’s my first involvement with any forum! So please bear with me until I get the hang of things. I’m using a Picaxe 28x1 to control a seven segment display in conjunction with a 4511B IC, hooked up generally as described in...